UK Motor Insurance 2023 – is the tail driving the whale?

Earlier this week, the FT reported the latest numbers from EY summarising the UK motor insurance market’s 2023 profitability and the outlook for 2024 and 2025. The combined ratio of 113% for 2023 aligns closely with forecasts from LCP (113%) and our own (112%), indicating that the industry performed worse in 2023 than in 2022.… Continue reading>

Request a copy – UK Motor Market: 2023 updated analysis

We are pleased to share our updated, market-wide analysis of 2023 SFCR returns for UK motor insurers.  This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the size, performance and solvency of over 95% of the non-Lloyd's UK motor insurance market in 2023. Our latest analysis is based on the public regulatory disclosures of 30 firms based in… Continue reading>

Request a copy – UK Motor Market: 2023 early findings

We are pleased to share our early-bird analysis of 2023 SFCR returns for UK motor insurers.  This study provides an analysis of the size, performance and solvency position of the largest UK motor insurers in 2023 as disclosed in their regulatory returns. We hope to update this analysis in the coming months for the remainder of the… Continue reading>

Inflation survey Q3 update – views from a wider audience

In 2023 Q3, we were asked by the IFoA’s General Insurance Claims Inflation Working Party to lead their annual survey.  This joint survey between Marcuson Consulting and the IFoA has brought on board a wider range of views.  A selection of results and findings is presented below.  As the results show a marked change compared… Continue reading>

Reserving actuaries need to consider the financial implications of climate change

I am delighted to announce the publication of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Climate Change Reserving Working Party Paper. https:\\\course\view.php?id=1684 We will be presenting at GIRO 2023 in Edinburgh on Thursday, 2 November 2023. Reserving actuaries need to engage with how climate change is affecting general insurance company reserves and assessing where the greatest… Continue reading>

Inflation – not out of the woods yet

Our survey captures sentiment on price inflation and general claims inflation at a broad level of classification. This update presents results and our thoughts about them from responses received to our survey in Q1 2023.   Click here to download     Continue reading>

Climate Risk- Making it Simple for Insurers

Kendra Felisky, Senior Actuary and COO at Marcuson, suggests a pragmatic way for firms to respond to the PRA's four Climate Change areas of focus. Climate change is something that concerns us all, which includes insurance regulators.  Regulators around the world are asking more and more of insurers, not just the UK’s PRA.  But it… Continue reading>

Machine Learning – A Voyage of Discovery

by Kirsty Ip I attended my first ever GIRO session (virtually) in 2020 and was excited to understand more about the research paper by @RonaldRichman and @CaesarBalona that won last year’s Brian Hey Prize.  The paper, titled “The Actuary and IBNR Techniques: A Machine Learning Approach”, presents a new framework for selecting the most appropriate… Continue reading>

Seven Thoughts on Part VII Transfers

The first and second waves of Brexit-triggered transfers may now have completed, but further Part VII activity looks set to reach the courts – here are five reasons why, and two things to remember if you are considering embarking on a Part VII.  Come and talk to us if you want guidance through this specialist… Continue reading>